Thursday, January 5, 2012

"Snowball" Fight!

The "snowballs'are made with pieces of nylon stockings tied together and filled with white flour. When you throw them, the hit person gets dusted with flour. So fun!! Marco and I only watched this time. Our kids played a lot though.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas 2011

With the help of our home teacher Brother Bird, Raphael set up a trap to catch Santa... he did catch Santa! But Santa was able to untrap himself... all Raphael found in the morning was a piece of Santa's robe, some of his beard, a bell and a picture!!Raphael is already planning a better trap for next year.
Grandma Cecilia and Grandpa Bira decided on the 24th to come over for Christmas (they live 1000 miles away!). We bought them tickets and they got here late on the 24th. It was a really wonderful surprise. Here is Grandma and Jack eating the gingerbread house.
We love to play Risk with Grandpa Bira!
Jack got really used to grandma's lap.
At the Aquarium train.
Still at the Aquarium.
At the Ferris Wheel 

Raphael's carnival prize. Julianna got one just like it in purple.

Our gingerbread house
Decorating gingerbread people

House full of fun guests! 

Grandpa spoiling Jack 

Christmas Morning 

Visiting Blue Bell Ice Cream Factory 

Grandpa playing Kinect Sports - never too old!