Thursday, August 25, 2011

Last Week of Summer Vacation

First of all, I'd like to thank all the sweet comments many of you make and I apologize I can't comment back in my own blog or anyone else's, I don't know why!! I started having trouble when I installed Picasa... I have to get Marco to help me on this. :-) But thank you all so much and I love you!

Last week was really wonderful. We went to Fort Walton Beach,FL, which is right by Destin. Our hotel room was facing the beach (we were so lucky to get a free upgrade) and the views were just amazing. During the day we usually went to the beach, but one of the days we also visited the Air Force Museum, which was free and really cool. our nights were even better. Marco and I put our kids to bed at around 8:30pm and then we would use our cell phones as monitors and we would take short walks at the beach.The beach was so romantic at night!! No lights, except the moon and stars...there was live music from a restaurant by the hotel. We had the best walks and the best talks in a very long time.

Destin, Florida
Destin, FL

View from our hotel room - Fort Walton Beach

Fort Walton Beach

Fort Walton Beach

Destin, FL


We rented a boat for one day- it was super fun!

Besides cruising around, we fished, swimmed and the kids took turns driving the boat.

Fort Walton Beach, FL

Jack after eating sand

Family picture in our hotel room porch

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! I've heard Destin is a beautiful place! Looks like you guys had lots of fun!
